Posted on December 18, 2023
The CREACT4MED call for proposals to enhance regional cooperation deadline has been extended to the 31st December 2023! Entities eligible to the call are BSOs, NGOs, and Foundations. Sadly, this call is not aimed at MSMEs and start-ups.
The objective of this call is to identify, engage with and promote examples of Best Practice (BP) that have the potential to boost CCI entrepreneurship and enhance sustainable and inclusive growth in the Mediterranean region.
Specifically, we want to:
1. To Promote Cross-Border Networking and Partnerships: to foster collaboration and partnerships between creative and cultural industry stakeholders and businesses across different Southern Mediterranean regions.
2. To Stimulate Cultural and Creative Collaborations: to support and promote cultural and creative collaborations within the Southern Mediterranean, driving innovation and fostering a dynamic cultural exchange that transcends geographical boundaries.
3. Facilitate Internationalization of CCI Companies: to assist creative and cultural industry (CCI) companies in the Southern Mediterranean in expanding their reach internationally.