Posted on November 6, 2022
On the 28th of October 2022, the CREACT4MED team, led by EMEA, held the first pitch event in the framework of the Call for Cultural and Creative Business Proposals in Lebanon. The call aims to support CCI entrepreneurs, particularly women and young people, build competitive businesses and relevant connection in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia. A maximum of €15,000 will be awarded to each of the 4 selected start-ups or MSMEs in each of the target countries. In addition to the funding, sub-grant beneficiaries will also benefit from the acceleration and incubation services implemented by CREACT4MED incubators across the partner countries.
At the pitch session in Lebanon, held online, a total of 11 entrepreneurs presented their project to a panel of 7 multidisciplinary jury members. The projects that participated in the pitch were: Cezar Projects; Climberspace; Diwan of Culture, Design & Innovation; Ecoconsulting; Ettijahat, Independent Culture; Mlouk Productions; Moodfit; Plastc Lab; Studio Kunukke; Yaraqa; Yayy – TaptoSee.
The event was filled with compelling and highly competitive business proposals, making the deliberation among jury members interesting and challenging. On behalf of EMEA and the CREACT4MED project consortium, we want to thank all participants and jury members for their participation.
Stay tuned to the CREACT channels as we will shortly announce the winners of the sub-grant call in Lebanon.