Posted on November 18, 2022
CREACT4MED continues with the pitch sessions, held online, for entrepreneurs from Tunisia, Morocco, and Jordan. Following the call for subgrants, which aims to support CCI entrepreneurs, particularly women and young people, build competitive businesses and relevant connection in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia, selected entrepreneurs are required to pitch their business ideas to a panel of multidisciplinary jury members. Each entrepreneur had 6 minutes to present their business proposal, followed by 6 minutes of questions and answers.
Successful proposals in the CREACT programme will be awarded a maximum of €15,000 in each of the target countries. In addition to the funding, sub-grant beneficiaries will also benefit from the acceleration and incubation services implemented by CREACT4MED incubators across the partner countries.
The pitch session for Tunisia was held on the 7th of November 2022 with the following projects: Digital Cultural eXperience, Maft Studios, The Virtual Art Gallery, Nqollek Haja, Tunis International, KLINK, Mraabila, Ourghema, Moovin 360, MNARA Hub.
Moroccan proposals had their opportunity to pitch to the panel on the 11th of November 2022. The following projects took part: jYANN, WAR ENTERTAINMENT SARL, Help Mariage, ATLASISTERS, Felicity, CineLink, CRÉ ARTISANT, Moor Morocco Ltd, H Kids, ANYA, and Neqra.
Finally, the pitch session for Jordan took place on the 14th of November 2022, with the following projects presenting: Viavii, M. Barroq Design & Media Production, Sharqi, GIOIA, Puppets World for Development of Children, Martha EDU, Studio Raa, BySolaar, Alefredo Books, Talawen, Trashy Clothing, and WARAGAMI.
All proposals were of outstanding quality requiring careful and considered evaluation by the jury. On behalf of EMEA and the CREACT4MED project consortium, we would like to thank all participants and jury members for their participation. Stay tuned to the CREACT channels as we will shortly announce the winners of the sub-grant call in Tunisia, Morocco, and Jordan.
The pitch sessions for the remaining two countries, Egypt and Palestine, are expected to be held in December.