Posted on October 16, 2023
EMEA has launched a quality assessment survey to evaluate the CREACT4MED Mapping Outputs developed under the project.
Over the course of 2022 and 2023, EMEA has released 3 major research outputs to contribute to the understanding of the cultural and creative industries in the Southern Mediterranean. Led by Dr. EMEA Researcher Dr. Yeganeh Forouheshfar, the project has released the Cultural and Creative Industries Data Observatory, 6 Infographics, and 6 Country Reports. To ensure the quality of these outputs, EMEA has launched a quality assessment survey.
We invite you to fill out this survey to effectively evaluate the quality of these outputs. The survey can be found below.
CREACT4MED is a project funded by the European Union (EU) through the EuropeAid Programme, that aims to strengthen businesses and entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) in the Southern Neighbourhood of the EU, with a particular focus on young people and women. CREACT4MED is coordinated by the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association.