Posted on April 18, 2023
The President of the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA, Prof. Rym Ayadi along with EMEA Advisory Board Members Theo Edmonds, Culture Futurist & Directing Co-founder of the Imaginator Academy, and Harris Eyre, OECD Co-Lead – Neuroscience-inspired Policy Initiative (NIPI) and Fellow in Brain Health – Rice University, will host the Plenary Session “Creativity & Brain Health in the Future of Work”. The session is organised by the University of Colorado Denver’s Imaginator Academy and the Brain Capital Alliance, in collaboration with the Cities Summit of the Americas which will take place on 26 -28 April 2023, in Denver, Colorado, USA.
“Creativity & Brain Health in the Future of Work” Session Agenda
According to the World Bank, approximately 56% of the world’s population – 4.4 billion individuals – live in cities. Therefore, city-level approaches that balance brain health, built environment, and human creativity are emerging as important new vectors for maximizing inclusive innovation.
During this summit panel session, the focus will be on exploring how cities can prioritize human flourishing as a primary driver of economic growth in the future of work. The session will be organized around three intersecting areas – brain health, creativity, and work/built environments – and will feature presentations by experts from science, business, and the arts.
Theo Edmonds, JD,MHA,MFA (Host)
Culture Futurist & Directing Co-founder, Imaginator Academy | Research Associate Professor |Master of Humanities/Master of Social Science Program | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | University of Colorado Denver |Americans for the Arts, National Board of Directors | Energize Colorado, Lead Culture Strategist, Member of the EMEA Advisory Board
Harris Eyre, MD, PHD (Host)
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Co-Lead, Neuroscience-inspired Policy Initiative (NIPI), Fellow in Brain Health, Center for Health and Biosciences, Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy Senior Fellow for Brain Capital Senior, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Member of the EMEA Advisory Board
Rym Ayadi, PhD (Host)
President, Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association EMEA and Director of the CREACT4MED EU Project, Professor at the Bayes Business School, City University of London, Chair and Academic Expert, Banking Stakeholder Group, European Banking Authority, Academic Expert Member FSUG, European Commission, CEPS Senior advisor
Upali Nanda, PhD
Global Practice Director, Research / Partner, HKS Architects (Global firm w/ Offices in Mexico City), Brain Healthy Workplaces
Kristina Newman-Scott
Executive Director, WNYC’s The Greene Space, National Arts and Culture Leader, Artist & Policy Maker
Jessica von Farkas
Regional Network Organizer, North America, (Based in Berlin/Mexico City), BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt, Responsible Leadership, ESG, Corporate Philanthropy, Equity & Belonging, Community Building
Julio Salazar
Cofounder of Cirklo,Cirklo / FUN, Mexico City, Purpose Driven Innovation
Moderator: Julie Rusk, First Chief of Civic Wellbeing in U.S., (Santa Monica, CA), Founder/Principal at Civic Wellbeing Partners, Civic Engagement | Nonprofit Management | Leadership | Community Development
The Plenary Session will take place at the Colorado Convention Center, on 28 April 2023, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Under the theme “Global Challenges, Local Solutions,” the Cities Summit of the Americas (Denver, CO | April 2023) will join government leaders from cities, states, and other municipalities from across the Western Hemisphere with a diverse and inclusive group of stakeholders. These include representatives of civil society, academia, youth, arts and culture, and Indigenous and previously underrepresented groups. Participants will build partnerships and advance regional cooperation in a wide variety of subject areas, from migration to climate change.
The Summit is hosted by the U.S. Department of State, the City of Denver, the State of Colorado, in partnership with the Biennial of the Americas.