Inauguration of The CREACT4MED CCI Training Academy
The CREACT4MED Training Academy on entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative industries (CCI) was officially opened on 25 May 2022, welcoming more than 130 aspiring entrepreneurs out of the 230 successful applicants selected from 6 countries across the Mediterranean region.
The inauguration was opened by Professor Rym Ayadi, Founder and President of the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA), Lead Partner and Coordinator of the CREACT4MED project. Prof. Ayadi underlined the importance of culture and creativity not only as drivers of jobs and economic growth, but also for societal transformation, cohesion and wellbeing, and the need to empower young people and women to harness the potential of these industries.
The Training Academy, delivered by CREACT4MED partner the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED), will cover key aspects of creating and launching a successful CCI business, including ideation and prototyping, financial and legal aspects, and marketing.
Entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs from Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan and Palestine were taken through 6 weeks of synchronous and asynchronous learning with expert trainers to complete their Business Model Canvas and Pitch Deck, and ready them to seek the finance needed to make their business dreams a reality. Those who successfully complete the Training Academy will be eligible to apply for a CREACT4MED sub-grant to support their business launch.