The third pillar under the CREACT4MED project is subgranting. The project is providing subgrants to 24 entrepreneurs and 8 Business Support Organisations in the cultural and creative industries in the 6 target countries: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia.
With a particular focus on entities led by young people and women, the CREACT4MED project provides sub-grants to at least 24 entities: start-ups; Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs), or civil society organisations. This support helps budding entrepreneurs to launch their businesses, harness innovation, and contribute to a thriving CCI MENA region. Click the button below to read more about them.
Business Support Organisations
Sub-grants to 8 BSOs will help to establish incubation services for CCI entrepreneurs, particularly women and young people, to support them through the high-risk early stages of development and allow them to build competitive businesses and relevant connections. Incubation programmes will encompass a variety of mentoring, matchmaking, access to finance, and intellectual property rights services. These subgrants will also support the regional development of a CCI ecosystem in the region and foster regional integration and cooperation.