Posted on May 14, 2024
CREACT4MED has released the report Unveiling the Power of Art and Culture: Enhancing Mental Health and Social Engagement in the South Mediterranean with Insights from Catalonia by Salvador Simó, Deputy Director Mental Health Chair at UVIC-UCC and EMEA Expert Panel Member.
The report discusses how arts and culture may enhance mental health and overall well-being. It is well understood that the decline in mental health is a significant global concern, with rates plummeting worldwide. Fortunately, in response to this pressing need, successful initiatives have emerged, particularly in Europe. In this report, we showcase some of these initiatives from Catalonia as exemplary models.
Furthermore, this report delves into the intricacies of the South Mediterranean region, examining the cultural capacity, social dynamics, and factors influencing both the economy and the cultural ecosystem. By studying these specificities, the report aims to establish a roadmap that can be applied to develop similar initiatives across the South Mediterranean region, drawing from the successful pilot cases in Catalonia. The proposed roadmap, outlined in the report, serves as a strategic guide, offering actionable steps and recommendations to facilitate the integration of arts and cultural interventions into the promotion of mental health in the target countries.
Read the report here.