Author: creativemed

CREACT4MED Info Day: call for cultural and creative business proposals

CREACT4MED offers direct financial support to start-ups and SMEs active in the cultural and creative industries in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. A

CREACT4MED Launches Call For Cultural And Creative Business Proposals

Do you have a start-up or small business active in the cultural and creative industries (CCI) in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine or Tunisia? Are

CREACT4MED Training Academy in full swing

The CREACT4MED project seeks to boost businesses and entrepreneurship within the cultural and creative industries (CCI) in the Mediterranean – this means equipping young, aspiring

CREACT4MED presented at Ministers of Culture Conference

Professor Rym Ayadi, Founder and President of the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA), and Director of the EU-funded CREACT4MED project, attended the Conference of the Ministers

EMEA participates on webinar for the challenges that the Lebanese economic crisis imposes on the CCI sector

EMEA researcher Dr. Yeganeh Forouheshfar participated at the webinar “Necessity-Driven Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries in Rural Areas: Pathways for Recovery and Building Resilience”, which was

EMEA hosts CREACT4MED Steering Committee to further cultural and creative industries in the Mediterranean

The CREACT4MED Steering Committee met in hybrid format on Wednesday 25th May to discuss the progress made in project activities so far, and next steps

More than 130 participants attend the inauguration of the CREACT4MED CCI Training Academy

Τhe CREACT4MED Training Academy on entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative industries (CCI) was officially opened on 25 May 2022, welcoming more than 130 aspiring

New Paper on the CCI in Jordan by Nooh Alshyab and Serena Sandri published by the International Journal of Cultural Policy

A new paper with the title “Orange Economy: definition and measurement – the case of Jordan” authored by Dr. Nooh Alshyab, Director of EMANES in

Cultural & Creative Industries In Jordan: Salient Features
CREACT4MED Publishes CCI Report for Jordan

This CREACT4MED report has a focus on salient features of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) in Jordan. It starts with a brief overview of the