Call reference: CREACT4MED_INC
These calls are now closed.
Deadline for submissions:
- Extended until 20 October 2021 → Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia [CALL CLOSED]
- Extended until 29 November 2021 → Jordan [CALL CLOSED]
- Open until 18 April 2022 → Palestine [CALL CLOSED]
Are you a BSO, accelerator or incubator based in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine or Tunisia? Do you have a project that aims to enhance entrepreneurship and employment generation in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI)?
Apply now to the CREACT4MED call for incubation services and benefit from funding and support to help CCI entrepreneurs, particularly women and youth, build competitive businesses and relevant connections.
CREACT4MED offers direct financial support to BSOs/incubators/accelerators based in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia to implement new quality services to help Cultural and Creative entrepreneurs, led by women and youth, build competitive businesses and relevant connections through the early, high-risk stages of development and to create jobs.
The specific objectives of this call are:
- Developing an incubation program (minimum 6 months) for local CCI projects encompassing a variety of mentoring, matchmaking, access to finance and IPR management services
- Promoting and enhancing the outreach of the CREACT4MED calls for trainees and subgrantees (minimum 120 trainee applications)
- Ensuring the maximum outreach of CREACT4MED to CCI local actors and contributing to the creation of the local CCI Hub
The overall indicative budget for the project implemented under this call for sub-grants is 17.500 EUR. One (1) selected incubator per country (i.e. 6 incubators) will receive up to 15.750 EUR (90% of the overall budget) to implement initiatives targeting the abovementioned objectives. The sub-grant shall take the form of reimbursement of costs. The expected overall duration of the project is 12 months.
Calls calendar
- Call for proposals from Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia is open from September 1st to October 20th, 2021. Notification of the call results will be sent before November 15th, 2021.
- Call for proposals from Jordan is open from October 5th to November 29th, 2021. Notification of the call results will be sent before December 31st, 2021.
- Call for proposals from Palestine is open from February 1st to April 18th, 2022.
Who can apply?
BSOs/incubators/accelerators based in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia with experience in entrepreneurship and the Cultural and Creative Industries are invited to apply to this call. The following conditions must be met in order to be eligible for funding:
- Be registered in the CREACT4MED Community Platform
- Be located and officially registered in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine or Tunisia and legally established at least 2 years before the application
- Be a non-profit making organization or a business support organization (e.g. incubators, accelerators, service providers)
- Have experience in supporting entrepreneurs, particularly in the Cultural and Creative Industries
- Have sufficient technical, financial and managerial capacity to absorb and manage an EU grant
Please read the Guidelines for Applicants below carefully before applying to this call.
Application process
Registration to the CREACT4MED Community Platform is mandatory in order to apply to this call. Please fill in the registration form before submitting your application.
The application process for this call for subgrants comprises the submission of 3 documents:
- Application Form, including a Declaration on honour on exclusion criteria and selection criteria and a De minimis self-declaration
- Technical Proposal
- Financial Proposal
Templates for all three documents are available below.
Applications must be submitted in English. Interested candidates are invited to submit an application to creact4med@euromed-economists.org, using the provided templates and indicating clearly the reference of the call, the country and the name of the applicant entity on the message title.
All documents must be signed and stamped and sent in PDF format before
- 20 October 2021 at noon (CET) (EG, LB, MA, TN) [CALL CLOSED]
- 29 November 2021 at noon CET (JO) [CALL CLOSED]
- 18 April 2022 at noon CET (PS) [CALL CLOSED]
Please read the Guidelines for Applicants below for important information on eligibility, deadlines, and instructions.
CREACT4MED is an EU Project funded by the EuropeAid Programme and is focused on strengthening CCI businesses and job creation, giving support to entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs in particular, and targeting young people and women in the Southern Neighbourhood of the European Union.
- Project full name: CReative Entrepreneurs ACTing FOR the future MEDiterranean
- Grant agreement number: ENI/2019/412-505
- Project website: https://creativemediterranean.org
- Budget: 2,220,675 EUR – funded by the EU Commission (90%)
- Timeline of implementation: 1st March 2020 – 31st August 2024
- Project coordinator: Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA)
CREACT4MED mission and goals:
- Boost the cultural and creative industry (CCI) in the Southern Neighborhood of the European Union attracting investment and creating jobs.
- Support CCI business models led by youth and women entrepreneurs giving them access to a training & coaching program and access to funding for the development of their projects.
- Strengthen CCI businesses in the Southern Neighborhood of Europe Union.
Project partners
- Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA) (Coordinator)
- Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED)
- European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)
- Faculty of Economics and Political Science Business Incubator, Cairo University (FEPS BI)
- Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (BUSINESSMED)
- Confédération méditerranéenne pour le développement (MED Confederation)
- Beyond Group
- Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta (LUMSA Università)
- Association of Organisations of Mediterranean Businesswomen (AFAEMME)
- Positive Agenda Advisory
- Womenpreneur
Links to:
- Guidelines for Applicants
- Questions and answers about the call for proposals
- Templates for Application:
- Subgrant Agreement Draft
- Templates for Reporting
- Calls per country